Pictures of Kevin’s Life and Death
In loving Memory of my son
Kevin Galen Lee
February 22, 1988 – January 17, 2013
My Precious Boy of whom I love
My heart and soul misses you beyond words
May you rest in eternal peace
This cell was sent to me from Walt Disney Company after Kevin’s death. Kevin was my Peter Pan. I had asked to use Peter Pan on his headstone. Walt Disney Company declined stating that Walt Disney himself had made that decision when he was alive that none of his characters would be used on headstones, but they would send me a cell in Kevin’s honor. I was very surprised when this arrived, completely framed and ready to hang on my wall. They even sent the hardware to hang it with. Thank you Disney Corporation for your generous gift. It hangs in Kevin’s childhood bedroom.
This headstone was made as a family headstone. Kevin’s father and his mate will be buried on one side of Kevin when that time comes. Melissa and I will be buried on the other side of Kevin when it is our time to leave this earth. However, the stones were badly stained from the materials they used and the stain would not come out. The headstones were not straight either so I requested that they be replaced with new ones. We are still waiting for the new ones to arrive. I posted these stained pictures so you will see what Kevin’s headstone will look like when it is done correctly. Above is the front of the stone. Below is the back of the stone. One picture is missing in case Melissa ever marries for her spouse and her. The Air Force National Guard Flight 144 unit coins, front and back, are also on both sides of Kevin’s headstone. His National Guard photo and his punk rock high school photo are the pictures on his headstone. The picture of Jerry and Virginia was taken at a studio. The picture of Melissa, Kevin, and I were taken in 2003 when we all graduated together. Kevin from 8th grade, Melissa from high school, and I from Fresno State University. Grave plots and headstone located in the new section at Sanger Cemetery, Sanger, California.
Kevin on a photo shoot at a local market just having fun as a teenager. He loved hot sauce and doing funny  photos