THE HOLDEN FAMILY: (below) The first picture is a large family portrait that was done as an anniversary gift for our parents from us children when Richard was stationed overseas. These are individual pictures put into an oil painting of our family. Their oldest child, Meveline, died at 4 hours old in 1938. Their youngest child, Rodney Lee, died at 17 hours old in 1964. Our parents and their twelve children between are pictured here. (bottom l-r) Johnny Mark, Halden, Dad Crafton, Mom Pauline, Hazel Gay, Kelly, and Stephen. (top l-r) J.C., Novella, Marcella, Richard, Linda Kay, Clifford, and Allen. Second picture: Halden, Richard, Steve, our Mom Pauline, Johnny Mark, Clifford, Kelly, and Allen at our Father’s funeral in in 1981. Third picture: Mom and me. Fourth picture: Mom and Dad. Fifth picture: Mom, Dad, JC, Novella, and Marcella.