[stream flv=x:/www.hazelgaylee.com/wp-content/uploads/woocommerce_uploads/videos/TheBigBadWolf.flv img=x:/www.hazelgaylee.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Big-Bad-Wolf-Song-IMAGE-450×363.png mp4=x:/youtu.be/fHRJgUsiBAQ embed=false share=false width=640 height=360 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=high autostart=true responsive=16:9 /]
Song Written By: Â Hazel Gay Lee
Music Video By: Â Hazel Gay lee
Performing Artist: Jimmie Orozco
Written in honor of my beloved cowboy brother who I love very much. This song was not written about him, but for him, because he is nothing like this cowboy. He is a real sweetheart. I was on my way to see my brother and stopped to get a soda. It was written while I was sitting in a Taco Bell drive thru in Medford, Oregon. A railroad track was next to this Taco Bell and a slow moving train was on this track as it went through town. I was listening to the sound of the train when I started hearing the huff and puff sound in my ear, giving the song a train sound and beat. The music and words just flowed from that point. It was a slow drive thru and when I exited about 15 minutes later I had this entire song.
The video was filmed in Sanger, California. All the actors in this video are volunteers who played different roles to bring this song to life. Special thanks to Grant Orton for playing my cowboy, and the women who played the girls he was wining and dining or trying to pick up. I very much appreciate each one for doing this for me.
Please note that the video available for purchasing is of higher definition quality than the preview video shown here.